ADS Chapter 109

Speeches Shim

Ethics and Standards of Conduct

Functional Series 100 – Agency Organization and Legal Affairs

Partial Revision Date: 03/16/2015
Responsible Office: GC/EA
File Name: 109_031615


This ADS chapter contains the ethics policy directives for USAID employees, fellows, and personal services contractors. Ethics intersects with the work performed in every aspect of development. This chapter establishes internal agency procedures for documenting or processing any determination, approval, or other action required for ethics compliance. This chapter also reiterates basic ethics rules, provides information on how to report ethics violations, and describes the potential consequences of ethical misconduct. This chapter is not a substitute for annual ethics education or a final answer to ethical dilemmas. Employees are encouraged to contact an Agency Ethics Official for specific guidance.

Monday, March 16, 2015 - 12:00pm