Speeches Shim
USAID's Justice for All Project facilitated the inaugural meeting of the Albanian Women Judges Forum which will act as a vsible platform for women to exercise judicial leadership and effect change in how the courts perform.
To mark International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the President of Albania, Mr. Ilir Meta visited the CityTex garment factory - a beneficiary of USAID partner Yunus Social Business Balkans.
The USAID Diber Trails and Traditions (D2T) project began training its first class of local tour guides on September 20. The four-week course was led by trainers from the National Association of Tourist Guides in Albania (NATGA); the objective is prepare trainees to eventually qualify as licensed professional guides.
Earlier in the summer, Diber became the first municipality to approve a Tourism Action Plan to help it develop tourism in the area.
The U. S. Embassy-Tirana's Acting Deputy Chief of Mission spoke at the graduation ceremony of USAID’s People First hospitality/tourism vocational training program on October 11 and marked the closing of the USAID activity - a two-year initiative implemented by HeadHunter Group and co-funded with the Embassy of Sweden.
As part of the Planning and Local Governance Project, USAID partner Tetra-Tech delivered an Action Plan to improve service delivery and monitor customer satisfaction of irrigation and drainage services that the municipality of Patos provides to its citizens.
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