2020 Digital Finance Bright Spot: Support for Market Growth with USAID/Ethiopia

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The Digital Finance team has initiated an annual effort to identify examples of digital finance support at the Agency that demonstrate development outcomes catalyzed by digital finance, improved service delivery, and lessons learned for replication and scale. The Support for Market Growth with USAID/Ethiopia case study is one of the bright spots identified and evaluated in 2020, providing a possible, verified pathway for successful Mission engagement to promote a country’s Journey to Self-Reliance, support the objectives of the USAID Digital Strategy, and help catalyze a Mission’s development outcomes. The following narrative details the full USAID/Washington - USAID/Ethiopia engagement from an initial digital agriculture assessment conducted by the Digital Development for Feed the Future (D2FTF) team to the finalization of the Activity Design for the Market Systems for Growth activity.

Friday, September 11, 2020 - 5:45pm