Speeches Shim

Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Participants at the workshop
Global Health Supply Chain

COVID-19 didn’t stop the annual health commodity quantification workshop in Mali. A smaller, but representative, group maintained social distance and wore masks to plan a reliable supply of PEPFAR, PMI and other USAID-supported health commodities for the coming year.

During the annual quantification workshop, Mali’s National Quantification Committee estimates the quantity of life saving medicines and other health products needed to meet the country’s yearly needs. Quantification is a critical tool for guaranteeing access to essential supplies in the health sector and achieving global health goals.

When the first cases of coronavirus appeared, the Government of Mali took aggressive action to prevent the spread of the disease while also addressing challenges in meeting the demand for health commodities.

With technical and financial support from the American people through USAID Global Health Supply Chain-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM), the Ministry of Health’s Directorate of Pharmacy and Medicines, along with other supply chain actors, began exploring new ways to maintain quantification activities while complying with COVID-19 prevention regulations.

To keep the number of participants under the allowable maximum of 50 people, the four technical working groups for HIV/AIDS, malaria, family planning/reproductive health, and maternal, newborn and child health selected ten representatives each to attend. Before the event, through multiple consultations and conference calls, each of the working groups conducted weeks of advance work and data review to prepare their representatives.

On June 15, 2020, the directors of the Directorate of Pharmacy and Medicines, National Malaria Control Program and GHSC-PSM launched the national quantification workshop following all necessary COVID-19 precautions, including social distancing.

Participants received two masks per day, and disinfectant gel, soap and water were available to promote hand washing. After the opening ceremony, break-out group “presidents” were chosen to monitor compliance with COVID-19 social distancing measures.

As a result of these efforts, HIV/AIDS, malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health products were successfully quantified to meet the demands of Malian citizens for another year.