U.S. government support for Timor’s coffee industry recently ended and this piece marks the milestone of the industry’s new self-reliance. Twenty-five years ago, USAID helped plant the seeds of self-reliance in the fertile coffee country of Timor-Leste, then under Indonesian occupation and with an uncertain future. Now a strong democratic nation, the island is a coffee exporter, selling to international firms including Starbucks in the United States.
Video Transcript Voice Over
When Timor-Leste emerged from its long struggle for independence twenty years ago, the coffee industry here was just beginning its own long road to self-reliance. USAID was there from the start to help organize farmers into what has become Timor’s largest coffee cooperative. Today, thanks to the help of the American people, coffee is the Number One agricultural export in Timor-Leste.
One ton of the coffee cherry, we able to get around 300 dollars and if more than 3-4 tons
We got around one thousand dollars.
USAID helped Letefoho coffee farmers prune more than 3.6 million coffee trees across nearly 1,500 hectares so the trees become fuller and more productive.
Between 2008 and 20014, USAID worked with Cooperatíva Café Timor
To rehabilitate coffee farms, provide health services and raise incomes.
With USAID helped, farmers received coffee seedlings
And were able to make coffee Timor-Leste’s No. 1 agricultural export
During that time, we don’t know exactly about the price and understand about the coffee value,
We only fill in one box and the price just based on that measurement.
USAID helped CCT distribute nearly 2.7 million seedlings to about 7,000 coffee farmers.
Before we invested in coffee, we just growing casava, and vegetables to help us
Cassava and cultivate land to help us to take our kids to school and have enough money for daily needs
Coffee helps us to build our house, buy foods, and to help us continue our work
CCT provides free health services for our kids when they need any emergency treatment
Buy medicine for our kids and to helps our kids to be able to go to school
We didn’t have anything else instead coffee, so when the coffee season end,
We need to go back to take care of our farm and start growing other things
To helps us for sustain our family and for the daily needs
CCT is the Timor-Leste’s largest agriculture cooperative with 28,000 members.
USAID helped Letefoho coffee farmers prune more than 3.6 million coffee trees across nearly 1,500 hectares so the trees become fuller and more productive.
Coffee farmers right now are able to feel that there is an improvement
And changes in their life when they’re selling their coffee to CCT compare with before.
Before its like we are in a crisis and really poor.
With USAID helps through CCT our life has been changes,
Particularly for the coffee farmers in five sub-district in Ermera Municipality
Tetun Transcript:
Bainhira Timor-Leste hasoru krize ne’ebé naruk ba independénsia tinan rua nulu ba kotuk, indústria kafé komesa ninia jornada ba auto determinasaun, USAID iha ne’ebá dezde inísiu hodi hahú organiza agrikultores ba saida mak agora sai kooperativa ne’ebé bo’ot tebes. Ohin, obrigado ba ajuda husi Povu Amerikanu, kafé nudar esportasaun agrikultura primeiru iha Timor-Leste.
Tonelada ida, ami hetan maizumenus 300 dollar ba leten,
Se tonelada tolu haat ne’e, hetan seribu ba leten
USAID ajuda Letefoho nia agrikultura kafé tesi ai kafé besik millaun 3.6 iha territóriu laran tomak ba rai ektare 1,500 para ai bele hetan fuan barak no produtivu liu.
Durante 2008 to 2014, USAID servisu hamutuk ho Cooperativa Café Timor
Halo reabilitasaun, ajuda klínika, ajuda hasa’e povu nia folin kafé, ajuda viveiru, ajuda esportasaun kafé ba rai liur
Tempu ne’ebá ne’e tempu hanesan rai sei ki’ak bee, kafé mós la folin ita fa’an la tetu ida, ita fa’an tuir ai-kuak, espésie de ai kuak la sukat ida.
Ho USAID nia ajuda CCT distribui fini besik millaun 2.7 ba agrikultores kafé besik 7,000
Seidauk ku’u kafé ne’e, ami kuda de’it ai-farina, halo de’it to’os para ami hodi han hemu,
Halo uma, hola hahán ba han, hodi ami bele servisu nafatin.
Hodi ajuda mós ba eskola sira, klínika CCT/NCBA nian,
Ami hola ai-moruk hodi kura ami nia oan sira, hodi ami nia oan sira bele di’ak ba eskola.
Buat seluk laiha ona, ami nia mak kafé, ne’ebé atu ba mai mós,
Ami ku’u tiha kafé, ami tenke fila fali ba halo toos,
Ne’e para hodi ajuda nafatin nesesidade loron-loron nian,
CCT nudar kooperativa agrikultura bo’ot iha Timor-Leste ho membru hamutuk 28,000
Povu Agrikultura foin mak sente, fa’an ninia kafé ba asisténsia CCT/NCBA,
Foin mak sente katak iha mudansa, kompara ho ida uluk,
Ami sente katak uluk ne’e krize ida, ki’ak liu
Mudansa bo’ot liu, USAID mai ne’e ajuda liu husi asisténsia NCBA/CCT ne’e,
Iha mudansa bo’ot ba povu kafé, liu-liu iha munisípiu Ermera, sub-distritu lima ne’e.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.