Speeches Shim
The Secrets of Hand Washing
Regular hand washing is one of the most important ways we can avoid becoming sick and passing germs to other people.
Video Transcript
What’s this for?
It’s for hand washing.
Because of dirty hands
You can catch parasites,
Have diarrhea,
And even contract a fatal disease.
That’s why it is important to clean your hands
Systematically with soap or ashes
After going to the bathroom,
After wiping the baby,
Before preparing the food,
Before feeding of breastfeeding the baby
And before cooking and eating.
All right!
First, you have to wet your hands.
Then, scrub using soap or ashes
And rinse well
ASOTRY, a project supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), promoted improved hygiene to 29,344 families and helped 335 communities achieve an Open Defecation Free environment.
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August 19, 2019
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