USAID/Washington DCHA Office of Food for Peace (MYAP)

Speeches Shim

This activity focuses on sustainable economic growth in the agriculture sector through improved production and marketing practices. These efforts are complemented by a small commodity distribution activity of Title II PL-480 commodities to vulnerable groups. In FY 2010, under the MYAP health intervention, USAID distributed 7,249 metric tons of wheat flour, rice, yellow peas, and vegetable oil to 134,000 beneficiaries in Chaghcharan District, Ghor Province. Also in FY 2010, under MYAP agriculture and livelihood intervention, USAID supported more than 1,200 poor farmers from five Ghor districts (Chaghcharan, Charsada, Dawlat-Yar, Du-Layna, and Lal-Wa-Sarjangal) with agricultural inputs such as seed and tools. This intervention also trained those farmers in agronomy and crop management to increase household incomes by improving production and expanding market opportunities. The MYAP project also works to improve the health of 80,000 pregnant and lactating women, and reduce malnutrition rates for 233,000 children less than five years of age.