USAID/Washington DCHA Office of Food for Peace (PRRO)

Speeches Shim

This Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) project, implemented by the World Food Program, delivers humanitarian assistance, primarily food commodities, to the most vulnerable populations in Afghanistan—typically lactating and pregnant women, young children, orphans, the indigent, and the elderly.  During FY2010, an estimated 2.1 million beneficiaries across Afghanistan received 43,810 metric tons of commodities valued at $42.6 million.  During the first half of FY2011, an estimated 3.1 million beneficiaries received 65,000 metric tons of commodities valued at $99 million.  To date, USAID has provided 108,352 metric tons. From this, weekly and monthly reports are produced to inform donors and the relevant ministries in Afghanistan.  The FEWS-NET project has been instrumental in identifying vulnerable populations and providing critical information to mitigate the negative effects of possible food crises.