Technical Support to the Central and Provincial Ministry of Public Health (Tech-Serve)

Speeches Shim

DATES: July 2006 - November 2011
PARTNERS: Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
Through the Tech-Serve project, USAID aims to build the capacity of the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) to serve as the steward of a health system, able to improve the health status of the population. USAID works closely with the MoPH to strengthen its ability to plan, manage, and monitor the delivery of the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) and the Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS); to improve the capacity of the provincial health offices to oversee health services in 18 provinces; and to enhance planning, management, supervision, monitoring, and leadership capacity at the MoPH. USAID has also assisted the MoPH to develop national policies and strategies to guide health programming, including national standards for healthcare delivery, a national child health policy, the national hospital reform strategy, and national family planning policies and practices. Additionally, through TechServe, USAID purchases and distributes pharmaceuticals to BPHS and EPHS health facilities in the 13 USAID-supported provinces (33 percent of the budget).