Alternative Development Program/Northern Region (ADP/N)

Speeches Shim

DATES: February 2005 - February 2009
The Alternative Development Program/Northern Region (ADP/N), implemented by AECOM (formerly the Planning and Development Collaborative [PADCO]), is designed to shift the region’s economy from illicit to licit production through assistance to current and potential opium poppy producers and communities. In FY 07, ADP/N will continue work through three main components: cash-for-work, formation of and support for sustainable enterprises (on-farm production, agro-processing businesses, and marketing support), and enhancing the investment environment in targeted areas with improved infrastructure (roads, bridges, irrigation systems, private/public institutional support and capacity building, and business services). AECOM provides services through a series of subcontract mechanisms to both local and international organizations. To increase the region’s productivity and promote equality, ADP/N gives special consideration to including women in project activities. By providing opportunities to increase income from licit activities, ADP/N helps the Government of Afghanistan meet its goal of reducing and eventually eliminating opium poppy production, processing, and trafficking.