District Center Roads (DCR) Program

Speeches Shim

DATES: - December 2007
The Secondary Roads Program is being implemented by the United Nations Office of Project Services. This ongoing program is scheduled for completion in December 2007. Through this program, the U.S. Government constructs roads connecting provincial capitals, and rural roads (District Center Roads and District Roads) that connect hinterlands with markets and seats of government. In addition, the program provides training to staff of the Ministry of Public Works and Highways and private firms on technical and management topics. As of September 2007, over 150 kms of roads have been completed by the program. An additional 90+ kms are under construction. Completion of the roads will increase trade opportunities, provide farming communities better access to markets, facilitate the response time of civilian defense agencies to security concerns, and increase the local population’s access to social and government services. The program falls under the Basic Transport Infrastructure Financing sub-element.