Promoting Sustainable Private Sector Development

Speeches Shim

DATES: April 2004 - April 2007
The purpose of this USAID Cooperative Agreement was to promote private sector development through the creation of a business association support network, to improve professionalism and sustainability of national, provincial and local business associations and other civil society groups to provide a sound foundation for policy dialogue, investment promotion, and economic development.
This agreement included the Afghanistan International Chamber of Commerce (AICC) Project, implemented by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). This three-year project was designed to build the capacity of Afghanistan’s International Chamber of Commerce and Afghanistan’s other private sector business associations. The project improved public access to economic information and empowered Afghanistan’s business community to more effectively participate in a market economy by enhancing business development skills and ensuring substantial dialogue with key policy and decision makers. In FY 07, CIPE: initiated 10 joint ventures; it oversaw technology transfers and import-export transactions; and it effected growth in AICC membership (10%), income (10%), and partner membership (10%). In addition, CIPE awarded five technical assistance grants. By providing a range of business association assistance, AICC engaged in public policy advocacy and provided business services as a means to achieve increased investment and private sector development in Afghanistan.