U.S. Government Announces Additional Php330M in Recovery and Rehabilitation Funding for Marawi and Surrounding Areas

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim

For Immediate Release

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The U.S. government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has allocated an additional Php330 million ($6.6 million) to support vulnerable populations affected by the conflict in Marawi City and surrounding areas. This assistance will provide opportunities for young women and men to enhance job skills and attain livelihoods, helping stimulate the economy. These new funds will also help vulnerable populations strengthen positive engagement within their communities. This brings the total USAID contribution to recovery and rehabilitation of Marawi and surrounding areas to over Php1 billion ($20.9 million).

“This new funding will support some of the most vulnerable populations affected by the conflict,” according to U.S. Ambassador Sung Kim. “The United States is deeply committed to supporting our friend and ally in long-term recovery efforts to ensure a brighter and more peaceful future for the people of Mindanao.”

The U.S. government, through USAID, has been a key partner with the Philippine government in the recovery, stabilization, and rehabilitation of Marawi City and the surrounding areas. USAID’s early assistance involved restoring access to water and distributing desks for schools where displaced students are enrolled.

USAID continues to coordinate with the Philippine government and humanitarian organizations to deliver critical relief supplies to improve conditions in evacuation centers and transitional housing. USAID is also providing health clinics in Marawi and surrounding areas with supplies and services to combat tuberculosis and support maternal, newborn, and child health needs.

To bolster the recovery, USAID will also help restore public services, like water and electricity, and will work with communities to jumpstart livelihoods, promote community dialogue, and improve health and education systems. To help fortify the area’s longer-term stabilization and rehabilitation, USAID will offer skills training and psychosocial counseling for youth, and promote community alternatives to violent extremism.