Speeches Shim
Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.
Kah fundi i vitit të kaluar, Universiteti i Prishtinës i cili njëherit ëshë edhe universiteti më i madh publik në Kosovë, hapi një qendër për inovacion dhe ndërmarrësi e cila tejkaloi pritjet më të larta të themeluesve të saj. Megjithëse sesionet fillestare të trajnimeve ishin planifikuar për 100 studentë, kërkesa u rrit tej mase në mbi 1.000 aplikantë. Prezantimet publike, siç ishte ai me rastin e ngjarjes Gratë në Ndërmarrësi, u mbajtën para auditoriumeve të stërmbushura në kuadër të universitetit i cili u shërben 50.000 studentëve.
Regjistri i Llogarive Bankare në Kosovë i menagjuar nga Banka Qendrore e Kosovës vazhdimisht mirëmban informata të përditësuara mbi afro 2.5 milion llogari bankare në sistemin bankar komercial të Kosovës. Një funksion i thjeshtuar i cili i është shtuar softuerit të regjistrit po ndihmon në parandalimin e mashtrimit dhe përfundimisht po adreson praktikat korruptive.
When Ailleene Joy Verbo was a child, she loved listening to her grandfather’s solar-powered radio. “Our rural village did not have electricity,” she said. “The radio broke the quietness of the day.”
The joy of being healed and returning to regular life beamed on the face of Bountou Sylla, a 21-year-old trader from Souguéta, a village 60 kilometers north of Kindia in the lower Guinea region. Sylla had suffered extremely painful complications during her second pregnancy.
Për mijëra kosovarë që ikën nga dhuna gjatë konfliktit të armatosur të vendit në vitet 1998-99, kthimi në shtëpitë e djegura dhe ekonomia e tronditur paraqitën sfida dhe vështirësi të mëdha.
The school environment for many young Malian children is not conducive to learning to read. Overcrowded classrooms; poorly trained and poorly paid teachers; lack of books, materials and space; no electricity; very little access to preschool; and no books at home are only a few of the obstacles children have to face.
Pit bulls may be dogs of rare courage, but they must be trained to fight. The same requirement applied to Adnan Tulić, who says the specialized training he received through USAID was the best thing that could have happened for his career as a prosecutor — and, it seems, the worst thing for criminals who cross his path, some of whom are now in jail.
Grace William, a female sex worker in Yambio, South Sudan, is visibly pregnant by a client who refused to use a condom. Like many female sex workers, she has been a target of violence. She is HIV-positive and has been on antiretroviral drugs for two years.
Nehemiah Eristhee, 13, is a picture of concentration as he controls his small Lego robot. He smiles victoriously as it successfully navigates its way out of a barricade structure before lifting a small object placed in its path.
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