Speeches Shim
USAID’s BIZ+ initiative signed a partnership with K-Hill Gaya Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd. in January to expand its poultry breeding facility in Batticaloa. Biz+ has been providing financial, technical and managerial assistance to more than 50 small scale local businesses across Sri Lanka since 2012.
In March, USAID-supported Coherent, Open, Responsive, Effective Justice (CORE Justice) initiative hosted a panel discussion in Colombo for an audience of one hundred lawyers and law students to celebrate International Women's Day.
In collaboration with its partner Arizona State University (ASU), YouLead completed classroom training for “Master Teacher” candidates from the MSDVT in January. This was the second of a three-part ASU-certified course to develop a cadre of technical and vocational education teachers from the Ministry.
Visiting Department of State Deputy Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs, Daniel Rosenblum opened a YouLead office in Kandy in February 2018.
USAID’s YouLead program signed partnerships with Microsoft Sri Lanka, Regional Development Bank (RDB) the World University Services Canada (WUSC) and financial institutions, including micro-and community finance groups, and commercial and public-sector banks. YouLead is working to align young people with existing jobs through improved vocational education and enhanced opportuinties for self-employment.
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