“I Am Able, So I Am Able-Bodied”

Speeches Shim

Friday, August 9, 2019
Women of the cooperative celebrate.
Hector Gonzalez, USAID

USAID program helps women with disabilities in Uganda to succeed


Near the start of its long journey north from Lake Victoria, the Nile River forms the western border of Uganda’s Kamuli district. The district is blanketed by small farms and dotted with small homes and quiet villages. On the edge of one of these villages a half-dozen sewing machines clatter away in a tree-shaded courtyard. It is here that Musogah Dinah Christine teaches a group of physically disabled women to sew.

“People think that because we are physically disabled, we are mentally disabled, too. But we will prove them wrong,” says Dinah, who like many Ugandans places her surname before her given name. “One day they will be the ones to teach the able-bodied.”

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