Sharing Knowledge Through Theater

Speeches Shim

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Aupal, 24, leads a group of performers in song in a community performance in the Naguleagolol village.
Bridge Films

In Uganda, community members perform in skits to help couples learn about family planning


In Uganda, Nakut Lucia saw a challenge in her own home and community: couples wanted to space their pregnancies but did not know how. “I was not doing child spacing,” said Nakut, 24. “I was over producing children, and I found I was having problems with these children.”

Healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy is critical to the health of mothers and babies. When children are spaced several years apart, parents are better able to provide for their children, ensuring they eat the right food for good nutrition. It also allows mothers to physically recover before they become pregnant again.

Nakut, 24, served as a peer group member in the EDEAN project. She’s used what she learned in the project to benefit her own family and her whole community.

In the Karamoja region of Uganda, where Nakut lives, people have traditionally spaced pregnancies by practicing postpartum abstinence.

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