Innovation and Impact Newsletter - July 2019

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Innovation and Impact E-newsletter from the Center for Accelerating Innovation and Impact. USAID Global Health

July 2019




Unleashing Private Capital in Global Health

With a $134 billion annual investment gap for the health sustainable development goals (SDGs) in low- and middle-income countries, successfully attracting private capital through blended finance models is crucial to meet this financing need. Omer Imtiazuddin, CII Senior Advisor for Innovative Finance, co-authored a blog post this month highlighting that we need considerably more innovation - and funding to support that innovation - if we are to successfully achieve our global health aspirations. We were honored to have ImpactAlpha also cover last month’s CII event with UBS Optimus Foundation that launched the CII report: Unleashing Private Capital for Global Health Innovation: Innovator and Investor Support Opportunities [PDF, 8.7MB]. CII looks forward to engaging with investors, partners, and stakeholders in exploring how to move ahead with the report’s recommendations for crowding in more private investment.


Innovation Icon Innovative Financing

After the first year of implementation, the Utkrisht Development Impact Bond (DIB) Advisory Board met in Rajasthan to track progress achieved, identify areas for improvement, and reflect on the broader partnership. CII's Amy Lin joined our USAID India Mission, Merck for Mothers, UBS Optimus Foundation, Palladium, PSI, HLFPPT and CMS in the discussions. The DIB structure is already surfacing and sharing insights among service delivery partners, such as how to better engage facility owners, track project data, and ensure critical supplies are available. Of course, many challenges still lie ahead, but the strong commitment of all partners was clear - and will be crucial to overcome hurdles in order to improve the care that mothers and newborns receive.

India Utkrisht Development Impact Bond (DIB)

Strategy Strategy

Supporting Nigeria’s Integrated Pneumonia Strategy and Action Plan

On July 17, the government of Nigeria hosted a stakeholder meeting to validate the integrated pneumonia control strategy and action plan, as part of broader efforts to reduce newborn and child morbidity and mortality. The strategy outlines priorities across the protect, prevent, and treat spectrum, with a sharp focus on an integrated and multi-sectoral approach. Roughly 80 participants attended this validation meeting, including representatives from the government of Nigeria, private sector, implementing partners, professional associations, civil society, and faith-based organizations. The strategy and action plan will be finalized in the coming months.

Supporting Nigeria’s Integrated Pneumonia Strategy and Action Plan

Globe Icon Innovation

CII's Ann Marie Brouillette joined the International Development Innovation Alliance (IDIA) "Managing Innovation for Impact" exchange in Sweden. The event convened representatives from international development donors and implementers -- Sida, UNICEF, DFID, BMGF, WHO-AFRO, Makerere University, and numerous others. The program unpacked and shared ways to address key contemporary challenges that managers in innovation-supporting organizations face in making informed decisions and impactful investments.

International Development Innovation Alliance (IDIA) Managing Innovation for Impact Program

Digital Health icon. Digital Health

CII is saddened by the passing of Dr. Marc Mitchell, who was a pioneer in the digital health field and a Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenge awardee with the company he founded, D-Tree. Marc's career spanned over 40 years and included working as a pediatrician, serving as Assistant Secretary of Health in Papua New Guinea, and lecturing at Harvard and University of California, Berkeley. CII had the pleasure of collaborating with Marc and D-Tree on the scale-up of an integrated mobile-based tool for supporting Community Health Workers (CHWs) to screen and counsel pregnant women using clinical algorithms, facilitate transportation to health facilities using mobile banking and data storage, and administer follow-up care to mothers and their infants with digital tools. We honor his remarkable legacy.

Honoring the legacy of innovator, Dr. Marc Mitchell of D-Tree

calendar EVENTS

August 14
From Labs to Lives Saved
Washington, DC

September 17-24
UN General Assembly 74th Session 
New York City, NY

September 24-26
2019 ANDE Annual Conference
Chantilly, VA

September 24
FT Investment Management Summit
London, UK


broadcast bars News

Report: Global Health Innovation at USAID [PDF, 3.4MB]
June 2019

2019 Innovating for Impact Awards
Nominations Due: July 31, 2019

WHO List of Essential Tests Gets An Upgrade
July 9, 2019

New York Times
Ebola Outbreak in Congo Is Declared a Global Health Emergency 
July 17, 2019

Apply Now: Help USAID Understand the Role of DFS in Healthcare
July 22, 2019

New York Times
Drugs Availability
June 24, 2019


We're Hiring

Senior Innovation Advisor


broadcast bars CII NEWS

The Economist
Armed with smartphones, Colombians are taking on local mozzies
July 6, 2019

Opening the financing spigot on SDG3
July 2019

Rockefeller Foundation
RockyTalks – Wendy Taylor, “Big Data vs. Big Disease”
July 2019


book icon What We're Reading

Report: Tackling the Triple Transition in Global Health Procurement

Deloitte Insights
Designing Equality [PDF, 726KB]

Mind the Gap- Five Ways to Accelerate Investing for Impact

dial: Digital Impact Alliance
Pooling Aid Sector Demand for Digital Public Goods

A Guide to Open Source Electronic Health Records (EHRs) [PDF, 1.9MB]

McKinsey Global Institute
Applying artificial intelligence for social good

New USAID Guide: How to Create Digital ID for Inclusive Development



Summer Interns

Kelly Connors

Kelly Connors

Neha Lalwani

Neha Lalwani
Market Access

Tony Gallanis

Tony Gallanis
Digital Health



USAID's Center for Innovation and Impact (CII) takes a business-minded approach to fast-tracking the development, introduction and scale-up of health interventions that address the world's most important health challenges. CII invests seed capital in the most promising ideas and novel approaches, using forward-looking business practices to cut the time it takes to transform discoveries in the lab to impact on the ground.

Learn more

Photo credits: IBAN, Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria, Lisa Butler