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Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) Office Fact Sheet
June 21, 2018

USAID/Colombia’s Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Office focuses on supporting the Government of Colombia (GOC) and civil society to increase institutional presence, foster a culture of respect for human rights, strengthen citizen participation, promote access to justice, increase public investment, and provide services to historically underserved and conflict-affected rural areas where illicit activity often goes unchecked.

Public Opinion Activity (POA) Fact Sheet
June 21, 2018

USAID/Colombia’s Public Opinion Activity (POA) conducts surveys in order to provide data and analysis on democratic governance in Colombia, which is used to inform USAID/Colombia programs, public policy formation, and advocacy.  Implemented by the Universidad de Los Andes, POA will run from January 2016 – January 2021 with national coverage.

RGA Fact Sheet
June 21, 2018

The Regional Governance Activity (RGA) works closely with Government of Colombia (GOC) counterparts at the national, departmental, and municipal level, and directly assists public officials in 40 conflict-affected municipalities to strengthen their capacity to serve their citizens. By improving the efficacy of the three levels of government, and in particular, sub-national governments in conflict-affected regions, RGA builds citizen trust and contributes to a durable and inclusive peace.

April 9, 2018

USAID’s Producers to Markets Alliance (PMA) seeks to strengthen legal economies in Colombia’s conflict-affected territories by increasing the competitiveness of licit producers and the value of licit products.  These territories are home to resilient communities and entrepreneurial human capital, which has long been plagued by illegal economies, violence, and underdevelopment.  Precarious institutions and decades-long armed conflict have given rise to narco-trafficking, illegal mining, and trafficking in persons and arms, all which threaten stability, security, and peace. 

April 4, 2018

USAID/Colombia’s Development Credit Authority (DCA) loan portfolio guarantee incentivizes financial institutions to increase access to finance to a broader client base and spur inclusive economic growth.  Micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in rural areas are underserved by the financial sector, and Colombian bank partners have an interest in expanding their presence in rural areas while offering credit and better loan terms to new and existing customers. 
