Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare

Speeches Shim

The Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) represents a collaborative construct between Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Moi University College of Health Sciences and North American Academic Health Centre’s led by Indiana University. AMPATH’s main mission is to unite with the MOH and the County governments to assist in bringing up comprehensive models of care responsive to the needs of the population it supports. AMPATH continues to impact the community with innovative Care interventions, Research and Training in the fields of HIV and Non Communicable Chronic Diseases and its responses includes primary care to tertiary level care. AMPATH had its origins in 2001 as part of the MOH response to the HIV pandemic.
Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) fosters a comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS control that complements and enhances the existing health infrastructure. It provides comprehensive, integrated and sustainable efforts in HIV prevention and care, primary health care, and chronic disease management. It achieves its objectives by addressing food and income security needs, delivering and monitoring antiretroviral treatment, and fostering prevention of HIV transmission through community-based health education and prevention of maternal-to-child transmission.
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Monday, March 25, 2019 - 11:45am