Capacity Building Activity (CBA)

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    Feb 2017 – Jan 2022
  • Value: $23.2 million


USAID’s CBA supports the Afghan Ministry of Education (MoE) to achieve the goals of its third National Education Strategic Plan by helping build its capacity to deliver higher quality education services to the Afghan people, and to increase transparency and accountability of national and subnational MoE systems.

The CBA aims at improving the MoE’s internal systems, procedures, personnel capacity, and transparency at central and provincial levels in Balkh, Kandahar, Bamyan, Paktika and Badghis provinces by specifically focusing on the following six component areas:

  1. Education management information systems
  2. Teacher recruitment systems
  3. Payroll systems
  4. Internal audit systems
  5. Resource planning, allocation and execution
  6. Civil society oversight

CBA integrates gender inclusion and equity objectives into the design and implementation of activities in all components.


  • Identifying gaps and areas for improvement under each of the six components based on existing information gathered through desk research and assessments conducted in coordination with the MoE.
  • Developing action plans at the national, provincial and district levels based on the assessment findings.
  • Implementing action plans confirmed and approved by the MoE and USAID.


  • Deactivated 1,177 employees from the MoE payroll after the CBA verified and scrubbed Education Management Information System (EMIS) data, saving the MoE $837,318 annually.
  • Increased the accuracy of EMIS data from 52% to 78% as a result of CBA’s efforts to align the Annual School Census questionnaire with the EMIS.
  • Increased the use of electronic fund transfers to receive salaries by 15% after the CBA introduced new banking options and provided banking orientation for MoE staff, reducing corruption and extortion.
  • Helped the MoE to entering 33,400 paper employee files into an electronic employee record database, supporting improved analysis and reporting.
  • Supported MoE to develop a two-year strategy (2018-2020) for increasing female teacher recruitment.
  • 1,272 volunteers signed up for CBA training through community-based organizations to become school-based education monitors.
  • Trained provincial education directorates and district education departments personnel to prepare budgets proposals using the MoE standardized resource allocation guideline and toolkit.