Flag of Afghanistan


Speeches Shim

An Afghan farmer at his agriculture demonstration farm in Rodaat district of Nangarhar province in the eastern region.
An Afghan farmer at his agriculture demonstration farm in Rodaat district of Nangarhar province in the eastern region.

Our Work

USAID partners with Afghanistan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock to increase the productivity and incomes of Afghan farmers; build value chains that connect farmers, processors, and wholesalers; and expand opportunities to export Afghan goods to international markets.

Major Highlights

Since 2006:

  • USAID facilitated over $845 million in increased sales in agricultural products.
  • USAID supported the creation of 647,000 full time equivalent jobs.
  • USAID made more than 540,000 hectares more productive through better irrigation.

Recent Highlights

In 2018:

  • USAID facilitated over $201.4 million in domestic and international sales of agricultural goods.
  • USAID supported over 190,000 households with targeted agricultural interventions to increase productivity and incomes.
  • USAID supported more than 2,200 agricultural enterprises and farmers with loans to support and expand their businesses.
  • USAID supported the creation of 3,365 full time equivalent jobs.
  • USAID rehabilitated 277 kilometers of irrigation canals, which improved irrigation on almost 30,000 hectares of farmland.

Restoring Afghanistan’s Agricultural Strength

Since 2006, USAID has supported the distribution of vouchers for seed, fertilizer, tools, skills, and technology to jumpstart production and boost the income of farmers across the country while also helping Afghan farmers gain access to finance, equipment, and training.

Increasing Access to Credit and Strengthening Agribusiness

USAID supported the creation of the Agriculture Development Fund, which is dedicated to serving the agriculture sector and facilitating access to specialized credit lines, including financial products designed specifically for business women and farmers. USAID is also helping new agribusinesses grow and enabling farmers to improve the quality and quantity of their products.

Connecting Farmers to Regional and International Markets

The future of Afghanistan’s agricultural sector depends on expanding the customer base beyond Afghanistan’s borders. USAID has opened new markets to Afghan goods by helping farmers meet international packaging and shipping standards and by organizing international agricultural trade fairs.

Current Projects:

Completed Projects: