Electronic Government Resource Center Phase II

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    Aug 2013 – Dec 2017
  • Value: $4 Million


USAID’s Electronic Government Resource Center Phase II (EGRC-II) project built upon the successes of phase I and enhanced the policymaking capabilities of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MoCIT). Through a state-of-the-art resource center, EGRC-II helped the Afghan government to use information and communications technology to improve operations, increase transparency, and promote efficient service delivery.

EGRC-II provided technical expertise, skills, and guidance in distributing and utilizing e-government solutions throughout the ministries and agencies of the Afghan government. The e-government solutions made government offices more competent to respond to citizens’ service requests, and to implement key legislative, policy, and strategic reforms needed for a thriving technology-driven private sector.


  • Established the e-Government Resource Center (EGRC) to help the Afghan government implement streamlined, modern, and effective electronic services
  • Developed and implemented comprehensive cyber security and e-government strategies to reduce corruption and safeguard government information
  • Helped the Afghan government develop legislation, policies, and regulations on preventing cyber-crime and ensuring cyber security


  • Finalized the review of EGRC architectural drawings, e-government strategic plan, training and certification plan, and human resources plan
  • Designed office floor plans and provided furniture and computer equipment for the Resource Center (in MoCIT building)
  • Trained 300 Afghan government employees in e-government and information technology.
  • Finalized e-government implementation plan with 10 Afghan ministries
  • Finalized cyber security plan and implementation method
  • Completed e-government service plan and portal plan