Livelihood Advancement of Marginalized Populations (LAMP)

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    May 2018 – May 2022
  • Value: $9 Million


The goal of the LAMP Project is to create sustainable jobs and livelihoods for internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, and host communities in five target urban centers in Afghanistan.

LAMP is designed to create sustainable jobs and livelihoods for a total of 3,800 local beneficiaries in five target urban centers: two in Kabul, one in Ghazni, one in Khost, and one in Mazar-e-Sharif through four job creation components: (1) high-value vegetables, (II) livestock and poultry, (III) vocational training, and (IV) life skills training.


Provide access to 3,800 sustainable jobs and livelihoods to IDPs and returnees (of whom 50 percent will be women and youth) in the five urban centers. These jobs and livelihoods include:

  • 800 Greenhouse PG (Producer Group) members
  • 1,000 Livestock and Poultry PG members
  • 600 vocational training graduates/employment and business services recipients
  • 1,400 high school/university graduates with life skills training
  • Help IDP/returnee populations gain access to formal finance institutions such as traditional banks and/or micro-finance organizations and establish Village Savings & Loan Association (VSLA) Groups
  • Better educate IDPs/returnees on how to mobilize and engage representatives of local government, ministries, private sector, and NGOs to obtain access to social services, citizens’ rights, and representation


  • Finalized the list of targeted beneficiaries (individuals/households) for year 1 in Kabul, Khost and Ghazni provinces
  • Recruited consulting firm Creative Brains Management Consulting (CBMC) to conduct Baseline Survey and Gender Analysis for the project
  • Selected 535 individuals/households as project beneficiaries in targeted provinces (Kabul 248, Khost 148 , Ghazni 140) for first year of project