Strengthening Education in Afghanistan (SEA II)

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    May 2014 – Sept 2020
  • Value: $45 million


SEA II aims to improve the institutional capacity, operations, management, and programming of educational institutions and civil society organizations in Afghanistan that implement activities in line with the basic and higher education needs of Afghanistan.

The project has three main components: 1) programmatic support to targeted organizations; 2) capacity building for improved sustainability to help build the long-term viability of selected organizations and institutions; and 3) the Flexible Education Grants Program (FEGP). The FEGP is designed to respond to emerging, strategic needs and innovative approaches from educational organizations working in Afghanistan. The FEGP allows USAID and the implementing partners to respond quickly to the education sector with targeted grants.


  • The Afghanistan Center in Kabul University trains students and faculty members on educational research and promotes reading in primary and secondary schools.
  • The General Directorate of Science and Educational Technology provides pedagogical and subject-knowledge trainings to build capacity in teaching core subjects. This activity is implemented in Kandahar, Badakhshan, Khost, Laghman, Samangan, Parwan and Kapisa provinces.
  • The PROMOTE scholarship will award up to 900 young Afghan women to pursue Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees to increase the representation of women in higher education, as well as to provide increased economic opportunities.
  • Kankor preparation for 300 all-girls high schools in 34 provinces. The Kankor exam is Afghanistan’s national college entrance exam, required before admission to university.
  • The Development of Affordable Private Schools (APS) provides an opportunity for those who cannot attend public schools, and reduces the burden on the government whose mandate is to provide schools for everyone. APS is able to operate in areas where the government is unable to have schools, provide employment opportunities, and is a source of taxes for the Government of Afghanistan (GoA).
  • The Human Resource Development Board (HRDB) serves as a forum for collaboration and coordination between ministries within the GoA. The overall aim of HRDB is to evaluate and implement policy reform issues that contribute to an overall improvement in access, retention, quality, and human capital management, and skills development programs for Afghans.


  • As of September 2018, the Afghanistan Center in Kabul University established 264 libraries (55 community libraries and 209 school libraries) across the country.
  • As of September 2018, trained over 4,500 teachers on pedagogical and subject knowledge.
  • Awarded PROMOTE scholarships to 710 women to study their Bachelor’s Degree in Afghanistan.
  • Sent 150 women to India to pursue Master’s Degrees through the PROMOTE scholarship program.
  • As of September 2018, supported Kankor preparation for over 72,000 female students.
  • As of September 2018, trained 298 (136 men and 162 female) headmasters, teachers and library custodians from 72 schools on library management.
  • Conducted a situation analysis of private schools to better understand the public and private school landscape in the country, and developed a private school strategy.