Trade Show Support (TSS)

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    June 2018 – Dec 2020
  • Value: $10 Million


The TSS project aims to improve market linkages and exports for Afghan companies to increase income and create new jobs through facilitation of trade shows, business and investment events, exhibitions, and other fora where Afghan businesses can interact with potential buyers.

Afghan businesses produce high-quality products, but these businesses lack knowledge of the demand from potential buyers and linkages with potential markets. They also utilize rudimentary methods for marketing and packaging of their products, which often reduces their market appeal. Afghan businesses are challenged when transporting their products from their production facilities to final export destinations. TSS is designed to address such obstacles.


  • Plan, organize and execute five trade events aimed at matchmaking and developing strong business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer relations and showcase and sell high-end Afghan products, including but not limited to handmade carpets, gemstones and jewelry, marble products, silk, cashmere, and other products.
  • Support Afghan businesses to attend eight trade events over the life of the contract that will be organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MoCI) and the Export Promotion Agency of Afghanistan (EPAA), or other donors or stakeholders.
  • Collaborate closely with Afghan business associations and, where possible, through export-oriented business service providers and associations to reach and sustain mutual objectives


  • Supported Second Annual Passage to Prosperity Afghanistan-India Trade Show in Mumbai from September 12 – 16, 2018. During the event, $350 million in potential trade deals were discussed with the 163 Afghan businesses in attendance at over 1,100 meetings. Promotion of Afghanistan as a trade partner expanded widely beyond the show, which 2,145 people attended
  • DOMOTEX – the world’s leading showcase for carpets and floor coverings (January 11 – 14), 2019 took place in Hannover, Germany. During the event, $11 million dollars in potential deals and sales discussed with the 28 Afghan carpet companies in attendance