Speeches Shim
To build prosperity, USAID strengthens the competitiveness of North Macedonia’s micro, small, and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) through enhanced support services, improved access to finance and a more streamlined business environment. Activities include work on legal compliance issues, promoting public-private dialogue, and strengthening the advocacy and lobbying capacities of chambers of commerce. To improve access to finance, USAID assists with the development of new financial products for MSMEs and helps them prepare bankable proposals to increase their effective working capital and improve cash-flow. USAID is assisting inspection bodies and the inspection system through professional development of inspectors and implementation of e-governance software solutions to ensure transparent processes and provide a bulwark against corruption.
USAID works to improve North Macedonia’s energy independence and security. To achieve this, USAID helps the Government of North Macedonia align national legislation to EU and Energy Community requirements and comply with the EU Energy Efficiency Directive. New legislation will provide an open and effective legal framework, while also streamlining the investment process for renewables.
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