Flag of Jamaica


Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

Since Jamaica gained independence from the British in 1962, the country enjoyed significant development progress in its social, economic, and political history. However over the years the country has been challenged by a persistent fiscal deficit and heavy indebtedness. These challenges are also exacerbated by the current global economic crisis.

Jamaica also battles with high rates of unemployment, crime, and corruption which are some of the key factors impeding the country’s competitiveness in the international market. Frequent natural disasters impact key sectors such as tourism and agriculture; Jamaica attracts over one million travelers from the U.S. each year and is the U.S.’s third largest trading partner in the Caribbean.

Over the last five years, the U.S. has also accounted for the largest share of foreign direct investment in the country. Hence, the country’s political, economic, and social conditions directly affect U.S. national interests.

In an effort to address these challenges in 2009 Jamaica embarked on its first long-term strategic plan, Vision 2030 Jamaica. This National Development Plan is a multi-sectoral approach to making Jamaica “the place of choice to live, work, do business, and raise families” (Vision 2030 Jamaica).

USAID/Jamaica remains committed to supporting the country and people of Jamaica since its establishment in 1962. The Mission has established a track record for promoting community safety and security; widening access to quality basic education; and increasing resiliency of targeted sectors to global climate change.

USAID/Jamaica continues to serve as a leader in development initiatives within the Caribbean region and help address Jamaica's main challenges. Emphasis is placed on an integrated approach and focuses on three areas where there is a comparative advantage and will have a strong developmental impact:

  1. Improving resilience and sustainability of targeted livelihoods and ecosystems;
  2. Reducing violence in target communities and;
  3. Reducing the prevalence of HIV in target populations.

Thông tin liên hệ

Mission Contact

Jason Fraser, Country Representative
142 Old Hope Road
Kingston 6

USAID Contact

Janiere Pereira
, DC 