Program Updates | Armenia

Speeches Shim

October 1, 2020

USAID/Armenia’s Media for Informed Citizen Engagement (MICE) and Civic Engagement for Local Governance (CELoG) projects coordinated with the Eurasia Partnership Foundation to host the 2020 Mardamej Social Innovation Camp.  The Camp brings together young social activists, many of whom are participants at USAID/Armenia’s

October 1, 2020

USAID’s Civic Engagement in Local Governance (CELoG) project, which implements the School of Local Democracy, strengthens public participation and the role of civil society in local governance.  Through SLD, CELoG is developing a cohort of dedicated young people eager to engage with their communities and enter local politics.  Following a series of trainings, SLD graduates form regional groups and have the opportunity to implement small grants in their communities, and/or participate in internships in local government institutions.  Every region in Armenia now has 3-5 active SLD groups.

October 1, 2020

The National Assembly’s Armenia-USA Parliamentary Friendship Group and the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues held a virtual signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on July 31 reinforcing the relationship between the two legislatures.  The virtual ceremony was co-hosted by U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, Lynne M.

October 1, 2020

In August, U.S.

October 1, 2020

At 3.6, Armenia once again ranks 2nd among the seven countries in the Eurasia region on the USAID-funded CSO SI, trailing only Ukraine.  While Armenia scored the same in 2019 as in 2018, improvements were registered in the dimensions of organizational capacity and advocacy.  Advocacy continues to be the strongest dimension of CSO sustainability in Armenia, while financial viability is the lowest.  To harness the strength of Armenia’s CSOs and continue to strengthen the sector’s sustainability, USAID is supporting activities to strengthen the institutional capacity of CSOs, platfo
