East Africa Regional Environment

Speeches Shim

East Africa is endowed with a wealth of biodiversity and natural resources, including some of the most spectacular wildlife and ecosystems in the world. When managed effectively and equitably, these vast yet fragile lands, water and wildlife resources – or natural capital – can contribute significantly to national and regional economies and improve the lives of local communities. East Africa's tourism industry, which is almost entirely dependent on wildlife and protected areas, contributes 7.5-10 percent of GDP to the region, and it is a major driver of job creation.

The pressure of growing human populations coupled with changing weather patterns, rampant wildlife poaching and trafficking across porous borders, and disjointed management of shared natural resources threatens the conservation of East Africa’s natural capital. Many priority landscapes and wildlife habitats in East Africa are crossed by political boundaries, making it critical for nations to work together on the survival of wildlife and the habitats they depend on. A regional effort is needed to address national‐ level problems that are exacerbating the decline in wildlife populations and habitat loss.

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Wednesday, June 3, 2020 - 11:15am