Fact Sheets

Speeches Shim


Environment - East Africa

East Africa is endowed with a wealth of natural resources, including some of the most spectacular wildlife and ecosystems in the world. When managed effectively and equitably, these vast yet fragile land, water and wildlife resources can contribute to the national economy and improve the lives of local communities.

USAID and Department of Interior Inter-agency Agreement to Support Wildlife Conservation and Combat Wildlife Crime

Wildlife crimes threaten the security, economy and biodiversity of East Africa. Demand for elephant ivory, rhino horn, and pangolin meat and scales continues to rise as poaching methods become increasingly sophisticated. International networks that poach, move and sell illegal wildlife products target wildlife populations across borders, creating a complex problem that transcends national boundaries.

Food Security

Through the U.S. Feed the Future Initiative, USAID's regional activities are improving food security in East Africa. USAID helps small-holder farmers to increase the productivity of key staple foods -- both crops and animal products -- that are produced by millions of smallholder farmers.

Gender Empowerment

Gender Empowerment - East Africa

Despite great strides in economic growth and increased women in leadership in the region, significant gender gaps remain. Women face systematic financial, educational, legal, structural, and cultural barriers.  These barriers prevent women from reaching their full potential and fully contributing to their countries’ economies.  We design initiatives to help women access economic resources, such as, assets, credit, income, and employment. USAID also create spaces for women’s voices to be heard.

Global Health

Global Health - East Africa

East African countries continue to face health challenges including large numbers of maternal and child deaths and the adverse effects of infectious diseases. Each country faces challenges within their health system that hinder governments’ capacity to meet the needs of its most vulnerable people. African leaders and health experts recognize the necessity of regional approaches in controlling communicable diseases, harmonizing policies and standards, and sharing best practices that are proven to address common health risks that transcend borders. USAID helps strengthen the ability of regional institutions and health policies and systems for marginalized and cross-border populations in the region.

Working in Crises and Conflict

Food Assistance - East and Central Africa

The Regional Office of Food for Peace (FFP) supports or directly manages food assistance operations in 14 countries in East and Central Africa. Humanitarian needs - specifically food insecurity - in this region have been rising at an unprecedented rate due to cyclical drought, political insecurity, prolonged conflicts, environmental degradation and disease outbreaks.

Countering Violent Extremism (Kenya, Somalia, and East Africa)

USAID recognizes the critical role of development in addressing social, economic, governance and other factors that can drive violent extremism or radicalize individuals and communities.

Regional Intergovernmental Partners

East African Community (EAC)

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organization of 6 partner states: the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. The EAC is home to over 150 million citizens and with a land area of 1.82 million square kilometres and a combined Gross Domestic Product of US$ 146 billion.

Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is a body of eight member states: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda (Eritrea is currently inactive), and is based in Djibouti. Its mission is to assist and complement the efforts of its member states in areas of peace, security, agriculture, environment, economic cooperation and social development.