Automated Directives System (ADS)

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The Automated Directives System (ADS) contains the organization and functions of USAID, along with the policies and procedures that guide the Agency's programs and operations. It consists of over 200 chapters organized in six functional series.

The ADS and Environmental Compliance over the Program Cycle

ADS 204 (“Environmental Procedures”) sets out many core environmental compliance requirements. But because environmental compliance is integrated throughout the program cycle and across staff functions (see Environmental Compliance and ESDM over the Program Cycle for overview), environmental compliance is mainstreamed throughout the ADS, as summarized by the table below.

Taken together, these components of the ADS specify: (1) “upstream” requirements to integrate environmental considerations in strategy, project, and activity design; (2) implementation of 22 CFR 216, USAID’s pre-implementation EIA process; and (3) follow-thru requirements during activity implementation.

The ADS and Environmental Requirements for Specific Programming Situations

The ADS also specifies environmental requirements for specific programming situations, including programming involving:

  • Genetically Engineered Organisms—ADS 211: Biosafety
  • Pesticide Procurement—ADS 312: Eligibility of Commodities at 312.3.3.5
  • International Disaster Assistance—ADS 204: Environmental Procedures at 204.3.10
  • Global Development Alliances (GDAs)—ADS 204: Environmental Procedures at 204.3.9

Mainstreaming of Environmental Compliance Throughout ADS

Key Environmental Compliance Requirement Responsible Parties ADS Reference
Operating units and teams must have systems in place for environmental compliance over life of project & must make sufficient resources available for this purpose Operating units/AO Teams 204.3.3
Environmental considerations are incorporated in project and activity planning and design Team Leaders, Activity Managers
No activity may be implemented without approved Reg. 216 environmental documentation Operating unit head0 COR/AOR/Activity Manager

IEE & EA conditions are incorporated into awards COR/AOR/Activity Manager; Agreement Officer 204.3.4.a.6
IEE & EA conditions are implemented and monitored, and mitigation and activity implementation is adjusted as necessary COR/AOR oversees; IP implements 204.3.4.b
Environmental compliance documentation is maintained PO, COR/AOR, Team Leader, MEO 302.3.7.4