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The end of the fiscal year is approaching and it’s once again time for Implementing Partners to prepare and submit their annual Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Reports (EMMRs) to their Agreement Officer’s Representatives/Contracting Officer’s Representatives (AORs/CORs) for review. The EMMR is a tool that provides the AOR/COR with sufficient information to confirm that environmental mitigation measures are implemented and effective. EMMRs are typically due within 30-90 days after the end of the fiscal year. The Bureau for Global Health (GH) environmental program provides a range of resources on EMMRs, including two upcoming EMMR webinar sessions with helpful information for GH AORs/CORs.
There are some simple steps that AORs/CORs can take to ensure that an effective EMMR process is in place. First, review the governing Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and the Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) to re-familiarize yourself with applicable environmental requirements, including the EMMR due date. Currently, the standard due date for EMMRs is 45 days following the end of the fiscal year, but some IEEs may have different reporting due dates. GH recommends that AORs/CORs consistently and proactively reach out to IP staff to ensure that they are aware of EMMR requirements.
GH AORs/CORs (or Activity Managers) should consult the following resources related to the EMMR process:
- EMMR section of the GH IEE Bureau Operating Procedure (BOP)
- Monitoring and Oversight section of the GH Environmental Management Portal
- EMMR Factsheet
- GH Mitigation and Monitoring Course
Additionally, the GH environmental program will be holding the following two webinar sessions on the EMMR process for GH AORs/CORs and Activity Managers:
GH EMMR Webinar Session 1 Date: October 24, 2018 Time: 10:00AM – 11:00AM EDT Duration: 1 hour (45-minute presentation and 15-minute Q&A) Register: CLOSED |
GH EMMR Webinar Session 2 Date: October 30, 2018 Time: 3:00PM – 4:00PM EDT Duration: 1 hour (45-minute presentation and 15-minute Q&A) Register: CLOSED |
If you have questions on the EMMR process, as well as the upcoming webinar sessions, please contact the GH Support Team at ghcompliancesupport@usaid.gov.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.