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Investing in opportunities for women and youth employment.
Investing in opportunities for women and youth employment.

Brief description of these infographics

  • USAID Assistance in addressing COVID 19 in Kosovo: For more than a half-century, the United States has been the largest contributor to global health security and humanitarian assistance.
  • USAID After School Support for Teens After School Support Program aims to develop employability and entrepreneurial skills in youth, increase the likelihood of them making informed career choices, and increase their positive attitude
    towards future.
  • USAID Agricultural Growth and Rural Opportunities: developing a more competitve agricultural sector in Kosovo by improving farm production and food processing, increasing linkages to domestic and export markets, and strenthening strategic partners. This $12M, five-year activity funded by USAID started in march 2015.
  • USAID Engagement for Equity works to improve the integration of vulnerable and marginalized groups and strengthens civil society’s role in raising critical democracy and governance issues.
  • USAID Justice System Strengthening Program: promotes the rule of law in Kosovo by improving the judiciary’s efficiency, accountability, and professionalism. This four-year program that started in November 2015 focuses on promoting a judicial system that adheres to high standards of independence, impartiality, integrity, accountability, and transparency, and on supporting the functioning and integration of judicial structures in the north.
  • USAID Partnering for Impact in Information and Communication Technology focuses on setting up a system of continous professional and vocational education tailored toward market needs.  
  • USAID Responsive, Effective, Accountable Governance aims to advance principles which are designed to improve legislative and political responsiveness to citizen needs. These principles include: political integrity, legislative transparency, government accountability and citizen inclusion to enrich public discourse, increase citizens’ political agency, and increase political focus on citizen needs.
  • USAID Transformational Leadership Program – Citizens Corps aims to leave behind a cadre of transformational leaders coordinated and working towards as agents of positive change across the public, private and civil society sectors in our country.
  • USAID Transparent, Effective and Accountable Municipalities supports anti-corruption activities. The project began on January 2017 and is scheduled to conclude in January 2022.