Speeches Shim



USAID INVEST unlocks the power of private capital to drive inclusive growth in countries where USAID works. Increasingly, private investors and businesses are looking to emerging and frontier markets for better returns and new market opportunities. However, these investors often face high transaction costs and lack the information they need. In some cases, investors encounter poor risk-reward ratios that make investment unattractive.

INVEST addresses these challenges and facilitates work between USAID and the investment community.


USAID INVEST reduces barriers for investors and channels private capital into key regions and sectors for better development results.

INVEST services include market assessments, structuring funds, and transaction advisory services.

Market Assessments:

INVEST helps USAID understand market conditions and identify investment opportunities.

Structuring Funds and Financial Instruments:

INVEST designs or structures blended finance funds, investment platforms, and other financial products.

Transaction Advisory Services:

INVEST helps link capital suppliers to businesses that need investment to grow.

The USAID Finance and Investment Network

The USAID Finance and Investment Network, managed by INVEST, includes more than 335 members from the investment and development community. It enables USAID to quickly access niche technical and financial expertise to execute on investment opportunities. Through this network, INVEST leverages USAID funding and technical assistance in new ways to mobilize private capital. To join the partner network, please email


INVEST works across USAID’s portfolio of countries and sectors. Below are examples of some of INVEST’s activities.

For questions about INVEST, please contact